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Monetising LTE is top priority, argues MDS

in press-release, MDS, LTE

20th June, 2013 - Communications Service Providers (CSPs) are under pressure to justify the business case for Long Term Evolution (LTE) technology (or 4G and one of the first successors to 3G mobile communications). At this crucial time for the global telecommunications industry, a new whitepaper seeks to redefine the established approach to selling 4G.

Commissioned by MDS, a leading provider of revenue and customer management solutions, and written in conjunction with global communications and media analyst firm, Telesperience, ‘Monetising LTE: Pricing and business models for a holistic B2B strategy’ offers numerous valuable insights to maximise top line and bottom line telecoms revenue.

CSPs are given compelling evidence to reassess their conception of the customer for LTE; the established notion of a mature telecoms market is shown to be misleading, with the paper arguing that there remains a wide variety of new and evolving opportunities to exploit.

The B2B market in particular is said to be under acknowledged and represents a significant source of untapped revenue. According to research included in the paper, numerous SMEs are incorrectly identified as individual consumers and CSPs still have a significant opportunity to optimise their services to business requirements.

“CSPs must position their services with customer needs first, technology second,” says Rob Smith, Director of Market Development for MDS. “Understanding the challenges of the consumers – and especially the business community – is a crucial step towards maximising revenue.”

Differentiation is essential and innovation in technology must be accompanied by a new approach to billing, as Rob adds: “Clearer communication on the benefits of 4G is required, alongside flexible pricing strategies and a new approach to Over The Top (OTT) companies. Verticalisation, including leveraging social media, will support the next generation of LTE sales and marketing.”

The free paper can be downloaded here: http://downloads.mdscem.com/monetising-LTE

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